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Choosy - Early Learning

4.8 ( 9248 ratings )
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Utvecklare: Fuego Studios

Choosy is nationally recognized for promoting health as an integral component of school readiness. We support quality teaching and learning at school and at home with uniquely designed resources and music featuring Choosy, an influential, evidence-supported, health hero and role model.

With the Choosy app you can:
- Instantly stream the entire Choosy media library
- Search content by specific health themes
- Incorporate multiple domains of learning
- Engage in active-learning experiences for physical activity, nutrition, oral health, and social and emotional well-being
- Explore hundreds of Choosy songs, active-learning videos, farm adventures, storybooks, printable activities, and more
- Access songs in English and Spanish
- Increase the quantity of physical activity and the quality of movement experiences to build healthy bodies and brains with Choosy’s ad-free app

Choosy was founded by Linda Carson Ed D. Dr. Carson is well-known for her expertise in early childhood motor development, active teaching and learning, and enhancing the health of young children. She has been recognized with honors and awards over her career for distinguished service in teaching and health promotion.

Get started today and join thousands of teachers and families nationwide moving and learning with Choosy!